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Eudora Sucks

Having working five official days here at the Board of Regents things have gone rather well, considering I am being thrown into a totally new environment and having to adapt. Thankfully they are no throwing me to the wolves, but are putting me through a few months of training to help me adjust and learn what I need to do, and how things are done here.

One program that I have had to start using that I have never used before is an email program called Eudora. They choose this program due to its ability to use personalities (sending email from multiple accounts) and its ability to use custom stationary to process tickets. The problem lays in that this program is horrible, not user-friendly and is not stable. When composing a new message they place the send button alone side all the other options and do not make it stand out whatsoever. They also use not so obvious icons when designating “new message” “get mail” and “reply”. Not to mention that the program has already crashed on me several times when just composing an email. One little quark that annoys the piss out of me is that when a new message comes in it automatically goes to that message no matter what else you are doing. So lets say you are replying to an email and a new message comes in, you are whisked away to that message in mid-thought. Also, it’s filters do not work like they should and some email still seeps into my regular inbox. One good thing I learned is that QualCOMM, the company who makes Eudora, has stopped production and has given Mozilla (Thunderbird) the code for Eudora so eventually (who knows when), we will be able to use Thunderbird for our email client. *steps off soapbox*

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